Projects Under Development

Dominion Energy - Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind (CVOW) Demonstration Project (Completed)

Dominion Energy contracted in 2017 with a global wind leader — Ørsted Energy of Denmark — to build Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind (CVOW), a two turbine, 12 MW demonstration project 23.5 miles nautical offshore from the Virginia Beach coastline.

CVOW is located in the Commonwealth’s 2,135-acre research lease, the only one of its kind awarded by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM).

Foundations for the two, 6-megawatt turbines were installed in May while the wind turbines were installed in June, 27 miles off the coast of Virginia Beach. In addition to the turbines, the CVOW project calls for a power cable to bring the clean energy to land. It is being buried under the seabed for much of its length but will ultimately come ashore through a 1,000-meter conduit installed under the beach.

Commissioning and testing of CVOW's two turbines will continue during the summer. Meanwhile, a group of smaller ships will oversee final preparations for the power cable, completing its trenching, burial, repairs and then connecting it to Dominion Energy's onshore infrastructure.

Dominion Energy expects to finish all this work and begin harnessing offshore wind energy in the Fall of 2020.

Click HERE to learn more about CVOW and the current progress.

Click HERE to learn more about Dominion Energy’s partnership with Seimens.

Commercial Development Off Virginia’s Coast

Along with clean energy, the CVOW project will provide Dominion Energy valuable experience in managing offshore wind resources. Specifically, it will provide critical permitting, design, installation, and operational experience as it is the first project to be installed in federal waters under the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) process. View the news release.

This will further inform development for large-scale commercial wind deployment in the adjacent Virginia Wind Energy Area leased by Dominion Energy from BOEM. It will also help create the expertise and the necessary domestic supply chains that will ultimately lower the costs of offshore wind development.

In September 2019, Dominion filed an interconnection request with PJM, the regional transmission organization that coordinates the electrical grid in all or parts of 13 states and Washington, D.C., to bring online more than 2,600MW of offshore wind.

Pending regulatory approval, construction is scheduled to begin in 2024, and once construction is complete in 2026, the project will provide enough clean, renewable energy to serve more than 650,000 customers.

This will be the largest single offshore wind project in the nation and surveys are underway at the lease area. These surveys will provide the company with the geological, biological, and oceanographic data needed to support planning and construction in a manner that facilitates coexistence between the natural marine ecosystem and clean energy development. Ultimately, this data will support preparation of the project's Construction and Operations Plan to be submitted to the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) later this year.

Avangrid - Kitty Hawk, NC

Kitty Hawk Offshore is an offshore wind project proposed more than 27 miles from the Outer Banks. The Wind Energy Area is projected to be able to support 2,500 MW of electricity generation which would be enough to power approximately 700,000 homes.

The U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) awarded Avangrid Renewables a 122,405-acre lease in 2017 for the development of an offshore wind project off the coast of North Carolina and Virginia. Avangrid Renewables has been studying the area in more detail as part of early stage project development since then. For more information on Avangrid and Kitty Hawk Offshore, click HERE.

The U.S. Wind Turbine Database

The United States Wind Turbine Database (USWTDB) provides the locations of land-based and offshore wind turbines in the United States, corresponding wind project information, and turbine technical specifications. For more information and to view the database, click HERE.


How regulators are approaching the push for offshore wind

U.S. Department of Interior Secretary Haaland Highlights Offshore Wind Opportunities in Virginia with Governor Northam, Senator Kaine, BOEM's Director Lefton.

Keep up with offshore wind, economic development and other renewable energy projects that drive clean energy jobs in Virginia. To learn more, click HERE.