Big Stimulus For Clean Energy: Covid Relief Bill Includes Green Tax Credits For Solar, Wind And Carbon Capture

In a bipartisan boost from Congress, tax credits for solar and wind energy (ITC and PTC), carbon capture and biofuels appear set to be extended.

Congressional leaders agreed Sunday, December 20, 2020 on a $900 billion bipartisan pandemic relief bill bundled with a $1.4 trillion omnibus government spending package. The legislation contains several provisions designed to boost investment in clean energy. The new package, which is subject to final votes in the Senate and House expected today, would extend federal tax credits that incentivize construction of new wind and solar power plants, as well as tax credits for carbon capture, biofuels and alternative fuels, fuel cells and energy efficiency. At least in that respect, it may fairly be called a stimulus bill, not just a relief.

Renewable Energy Tax Credits

The energy provisions have been attached to must-pass legislation to continue funding government operations until the end of the fiscal year and to provide economic relief during the ongoing pandemic. The bill has the support of the leadership of both parties, in both the Senate and the House of Representatives. By extending renewable energy tax credits, the new COVID-19 pandemic relief and government spending bill should prolong the renewables building boom. The tax credit extensions also mitigate the effects on developers of disrupted supply chains, force majeure claims, permitting delays and labor disruptions due to the pandemic, allowing extra time to meet the new deadlines to qualify for the credits.

The looming deadline to commence construction of renewable power facilities before the end of this year to avoid missing these tax incentives has spurred massive investments in renewable energy generation over the past couple of years. According to a report by BloombergNEF, the $55.5 billion invested in U.S. renewable energy capacity projects last year (second only to China globally) represented an increase of 28% over 2018 in large part due to the race to preserve access to tax credits slated to expire or step down by the end of 2020. And 2020 looks set to surpass 2019 in the dollar amount of new investment and total megawatts of new renewable generating capacity.

The tax credits on which developers and owners of renewable energy projects rely are routinely designed by Congress to phase out and expire, creating a strong but temporary incentive to build projects as quickly as possible. Permanent credits lack urgency; credits soon to expire attract too little interest. So to be most effective, many energy tax credits are available for projects that come online, or start construction, over a period of five years or less. That medium-term window creates enough incentive to expedite investments while allowing time for land to be acquired, contracts agreed, permits obtained and financing raised. Still, the recurring uncertainty about whether and on what terms the credits might be extended tends to create an artificial boom-and-bust cycle, with periods of intense investment and debt financings in the year or two before each scheduled expiration or reduction in the credits and a sharp drop-off in development activity and new investments (including in domestic manufacturing capacity for wind turbine generators or solar components) whenever the credits have lapsed in the past.

The existing tax credits have been extended several times over the past two decades. Congress passed a one-year extension for the wind energy tax credit (but not the solar tax credit) as part of the year-end 2019 government spending bill. In 2020, Congress looks to be more generous to renewables, especially solar power and offshore wind, with broad support across the aisle.

Specifically, under the proposed new law, according to sources on the Hill, the existing 26 percent Investment Tax Credit (ITC) available for solar power projects that commence construction before the end of 2020 would be extended by two years, to year-end 2022. The amount of the credit would step down to 22 percent for projects that start construction before the end of 2023 (as opposed to stepping down in 2021 under current law), with further reductions and a phase-out to zero thereafter.

Other environmentally beneficial energy investments are likewise encouraged in the bill. The two-year ITC extension and gradual phase-out would apply to eligible investments in new fuel cells. The ITC would also become available for investments in waste heat energy recovery property, to encourage power generation using exhaust heat that would otherwise be wasted from buildings or equipment. In addition, energy efficiency improvements to commercial buildings today benefit from a tax deduction, which would become permanent under the new law with the cap of $1.80/square foot indexed to inflation.

Under current law, the Production Tax Credit (PTC) provides for a credit of 1.5 cents per kWh (or 60% of the PTC of 2.5 cents per kWh enacted in 2016, which has since stepped down) to owners of wind-powered generation facilities for energy produced during the first 10 years after the facilities are placed-in-service, so long as construction begins before the end of 2020 and commercial operation starts by 2024. Certain other renewable technologies (like geothermal energy and closed-loop biomass) are also eligible for the credits. The new law would extend PTC eligibility by one year at the current 60% level for projects that start construction before the end of 2021.

Offshore Wind

Thanks to subsidies of varying degrees which have led to technological innovation, increased scale and reliability of offshore wind turbines, and a rapidly falling levelized cost of energy, offshore wind farms are expanding globally beyond mature Northern European markets (the United Kingdom, Germany, Denmark, Belgium and the Netherlands), which boast over 23 GW of installed capacity, or 83% of the global offshore wind market. The European Union predicts significant global growth of offshore wind as a key tool to combat climate change, both for power generation, while avoiding greenhouse gas emissions, and as a power source in particular to produce green hydrogen. A recent report by the Global Wind Energy Council noted that offshore wind projects accounted for 10% of all new wind energy capacity additions in 2019, with China taking the lead. The potential for offshore wind in the United States is estimated to be as high as 24 GW, with over a dozen new projects already proposed or undergoing permitting and environmental review.

In the new bill, Congress has given clear encouragement for offshore wind energy development. Offshore wind farms may elect either the PTC or the ITC. Developers of offshore wind farms, given their high cost relative to onshore wind farms, typically elect the ITC. For offshore wind facilities, the ITC would be extended by five years under the new bill, giving owners of offshore wind farms the option of electing the ITC so long as they begin construction by the end of 2025. The ITC for offshore wind facilities would remain at 30 percent, without any step down during the full eligibility period. Given the complexity and long lead time involved in permitting, procurement and financing for offshore wind power projects, this five-year extension should enhance the financial viability of the offshore wind farms, many as large as 800 MW, currently in early stages of planning and development in the United States.

Carbon Capture

The new bill extends the tax credits for carbon capture, utilization and storage under section 45Q of the tax code. In 2018, Congress modified section 45Q to accelerate the development of carbon capture facilities that reduce the amount of carbon oxide released into the atmosphere. Projects that start operations after February 8, 2018 earn a federal income tax credit for up to 12 years for each ton of “qualified carbon oxide” (not just carbon dioxide) that is captured at a “qualified facility” and either disposed of (sequestered) by the taxpayer in secure geological storage, or used as a tertiary injectant in a qualified enhanced oil or natural gas recovery project and thus disposed of in secure geological storage, or used by the taxpayer in a permissible alternative use that results in permanent disposal of the carbon oxide.

To qualify today, the carbon capture project must commence construction by the end of 2023. The new law, once enacted, would allow more time, extending the deadline to start construction to the end of 2025. In February 2020, the Internal Revenue Service clarified the requirements for starting construction, applying basically the same test as used for renewable energy tax credits for carbon capture projects commenced after March 8, 2020.

Alternative Fuels, Biofuels and Fossil Fuels

Excise tax credits for alternative fuels and the income tax credits for biofuels under section 40 of the tax code would be extended. The $1.01 per gallon credit for second generation biofuel is scheduled to expire at the end of December 2020 but would be extended for another year under the new bill. The new bill also extends existing federal excise taxes both on mined coal to fund the Black Lung Disability Trust Fund and on imported petroleum products and crude oil delivered to refineries to fund the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund.

Not all is clean and green, however. Production tax credits for coal mined on tribal lands are being increased and extended in the bill, ironically just days after the three 775-foot tall smokestacks at the 2,400 MW Navajo Generating Station in Arizona, decommissioned a year ago, were dramatically demolished. There appears to be no provision in the bill granting additional subsidies or incentives for EVs (other than two-wheeled vehicles) or for stand-alone battery storage.

Nonetheless, the proposed COVID-19 relief bill and omnibus spending authorization on the whole contain many significant provisions that have wide support among both Democrats and Republicans to stimulate investment, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and increase efficiency in the generation and use of energy in the United States.

If the bill finally passes today, optimists in this season of goodwill — and exhaustion — may say that there is hope yet for bipartisan cooperation in Washington and that perhaps the stars (or at least Jupiter and Saturn) have aligned.

Allan Marks Contributor


Allan Marks is a partner at Milbank LLP and lecturer at UC Berkeley.